Are you Ready?
Lately it seems like there have been a lot of natural disasters happening in our world from the massive earthquake that rocked Japan to near historic levels of flooding in the US. These events serve as a reminder that we all need to be prepared for such disasters. When most people think about disaster preparedness, they think of their human family members but what about our furry family members?
The ASPCA recommends preparing an evacuation kit for your pets in case you must leave your home suddenly. You will also want to arrange a safe haven where your pets can go in the event of an emergency.
Here are some of the ASPCA’s recommended supplies to keep in a disaster kit for your pets:
- Food and water bowl. Consider purchasing collapsible bowls for easy storage
- 3-7 days worth of food, water and medications. If you feed canned food, make sure you either get cans with a pop top lid or include a can opener in your kit. Also, you will want to rotate these supplies to make sure they stay fresh.
- A leash and collar. You may even want to consider a harness and leash for kitty as an added safety feature.
- A blanket for comfort
- You may also want to include a few toys and treats to help calm your pets.
- For cats you will want to make sure you include a litter pan, extra litter and a scoop to keep it clean. The ASPCA suggests that a small tinfoil roasting pan may do the trick.
- For small dogs and cats you may want to include a carrier to keep them safe. A soft sided crate may be a good option for storing until needed.
- Waste bags for cleaning up after your pets
You will want to make sure to keep current vaccination records as well as a photo of your pet in case you get separated. You may also want to consider keeping your pets vaccination records up-to-date with Cascade Kennels. This will eliminate scrambling to put them together during a stressful time. Most vet clinics in the area are willing to fax records over to us if you ask.
While we all hope a disaster never affects us, it is worth the initial investment to ensure all of our family’s safety and survival. You can review all of the ASPCA’s recommendations on their website
Upcoming Training Classes
Maggie’s next group training classes still have a few openings!
Her six week Introduction to Basic Obedience course starts Monday, October 17, at 6:00PM.
Introduction to Basic Obedience is NOT just training for dogs; it is training for people too! We want to be sure you have the tools to keep your dog working at a manageable level for the rest of it’s life with you.
The Basic Obedience 2 course starts Monday October 17th at 7:15PM
This is a follow up course to the Introduction to Obedience.
Holiday Family Adoption
Each year the staff at Cascade Kennels tries to give back to our community by helping out a family in need. This year we will be adopting a family through Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Western Washington. They are an organization that supports families who have a child battling cancer.
With your help we will be able to purchase gifts for each family member as well as provide the family with a holiday meal. We will have a collection container at the front desk if you would like to donate cash. Or, if you absolutely love shopping and want to purchase a gift, please email Kim to get the family’s details.
Thank you in advance for helping us brighten the holiday season for a special family.
Book Now for the Holidays
Don’t forget to book early to secure your reservations for the holidays!
To make a reservation you can either give us a call at 425-483-9333 or reserve on our website.
Cascade Kennels is the premier pet boarding solution for dogs, cats, rabbits, and exotic pets of various types. Cascade Kennels also provides outstanding pet grooming services!