I’ve kinda been on a roll here, having given you plenty of tips in the past couple of months on all sorts of stuff like potty training, hiking, choosing a daycare and finding your dog’s best fit for boarding! I just have to say that I am loving having my voice heard here on the interwebs, and I hope it’s been a useful column for you, my loyal followers!
Now I plan to go where no doggy journalist has gone before. Being the hard-hitting, no nonsense kind of reporter I am, I want to go out into uncharted waters…
Conquer a dangerous new frontier…
I want to cover……
That’s right folks, we’re going to talk about cats. More specifically, cat boarding. Much like my “How to find your dog’s home-away-from-home” article, I’d like to give you cat people out there some tips on how to find the purr-fect place for your kitties to stay. Why would I help cats, you ask? It’s because I have a great deal of respect and admiration for them. They seem to have an impressive mastery over their humans, and I can definitely get behind that! Hehehe.
Anywho, here are the questions you should be asking when in search of your cat’s new happy place!
Can you drop in anytime?
When looking for a cattery, the first thing to do is to drop in for a tour. You should be able to come in without any notice, and the staff should be knowledgeable and receptive to your concerns. If there are tour hours or if an appointment is required, look elsewhere! When tours can’t be done on a drop-in basis, that’s usually a sign that there are things they don’t want you to see!
I mentioned the sniff test in my article about finding boarding for dogs, and the same is true for cats. If you walk in and there is any kind of overwhelming smell, especially that of cleaning products, you can take it as a sign that it is not going to be a healthy place for your cat.
What do the cats do for fun?

Cats need room to play, stretch, lounge, nap and gaze out windows. At Cascade, every cat gets lots of individual time throughout the day in the big playrooms. They have ladders and shelves to climb on, toys, cat trees, and windows overlooking the big pond out front. I keep asking if I can go play in there but they keep telling me that dogs aren’t allowed. It’s discrimination, I tell you!
It’s also important to make sure that the cats get a lot of personal attention beyond their basic care. While cats are usually considered to be pretty independent, they still need to be doted on, especially when they’re away from their people! What’s awesome about Cascade is that everyone is an animal lover through and through, so you can rest assured that your kitty will get plenty of love.
What are the kitty condos like?

Condos should be spacious and have multiple levels. Cats naturally love having freedom to move vertically. That’s why at home they like to scale the furniture, counters, people, and so on. With that in mind, you can imagine that staying in a single level condo could be pretty distressing.
It’s also important that their abode lets in a fair amount of natural and artificial light, and has individual ventilation into each cat’s area. These are huge factors in maintaining a clean, healthy environment. By not having shared air flow between cats, the likelihood of yours catching any sort of illness from another is slim to none.
Just like with dogs, be sure that you can bring your kitty’s own belongings from home. Cats can be even more reliant on familiar bedding and toys to be comfortable. They are creatures of habit, so curling up for an afternoon nap on their favorite blanket might be just the thing they need to settle into their new situation.
In the end, it’s all about finding a cattery that treats your kitty like the royalty he or she is. Goodness knows that, if they like it, you’ll be getting a lot less dirty looks from them when you come home!
Execute Canine Quality Control Officer
Cascade Kennels, Inc.