
What Makes Cats Such Great Pets?

Not everyone in the world is a cat person; we get that! Here at Cascade Kennels, we care for both dogs and cats (and exotics) in equal measure so we feel we have a pretty good knowledge of both species. We also genuinely love both species in equal measure, but


Cat Care Basics: Do I need to groom my cat?

If you own a pet, you know how rewarding that experience can be. Pets become like family and making the decision to have a pet is a big commitment on the part of any family. It’s a commitment because it requires time and effort on the part of a human


Cat Care Basics: Do Cats Need Company?

As the holidays approach and families make plans to travel, it’s important to include your pets in those plans. In some cases, families are able to take pets along with them on their holiday travels, but most of the time, it’s best to make arrangements for your pets to board


Don’t Make These Mistakes When Grooming Your Cat

Mats, tangles, shedding, oh my! Depending on the cat, grooming a feline can be an interesting challenge to say the least. Just because a cat self-grooms, doesn‘t mean they don‘t need additional TLC.   Before your Persian gets matted hair, or your calico gets a rash, here are some mistakes to avoid