Finley’s Activities for your Pet

Finley here!

In case you haven’t heard, it’s SUMMER! Here at Cascade Kennels, while the owners are away, the pets will play! We have so many friends staying with us while their parents are on vacation, and every one of them likes different things. That’s why we have a bunch of different activities you can pick from. I definitely helped test out all of the different activities, you know, just to make sure I could give my opinion on all of them of course. Here’s what I think of all of our activity options, and who might like them when they come visit!


I love going on hikes! Me and my humans do big ones like Oyster Dome in Bellingham and Cherry Valley Falls over in Duvall, so going on hikes here reminds me of those super fun times. While they’re a bit easier and shorter than heading up a mountain, we still walk on trails through real woods here on the kennel’s acreage. There’s so much to smell and see! This is an awesome outing for all kinds of dogs. My more crazy energetic friends will have a great time sniffing everything and exploring, and less active pals can go along at their own pace, not worrying about pushing it too hard.


Playtime is where me and one of the humans here go out and do exactly like the name says – PLAY! We head out to a big yard and I get to run around off-leash and be silly. Sometimes I like to play fetch, sometimes I just like to watch my person throw it and have to go get it themselves. Either way is fun for me! This activity is best for my really spunky dog buddies, especially ones who love fetch. It can be fun for lazy pups too, though, because it’s a great opportunity to get belly rubs WHILE sunbathing. Can’t beat that!


I L-O-V-E cuddletime!!! We have a cuddle room that’s nice and quiet, filled with dog beds and a super comfy futon. I just hop up on the futon and sit on the human’s lap the whole time and enjoy getting told how pretty I am. It’s the best. Even super playful or really big dogs love cuddle time, but it’s absolutely perfect for older or quieter dogs that need some extra special attention.

Group Playtime

Group play is where the party’s at! When I do group play I get to go be a wild child in daycare for a few hours with all of my friends. It’s super fun because I love playing with other dogs! Every one of my friends in group play has gone through enrollment to make sure that they play well with others, so we all have a great time together. Group play is perfect for really social, energetic dogs. Shy or nervous friends might not like it, and that’s okay, because there’s all the other stuff they can do!


When it comes down to it, your dog will help you decide which activity to pick when they come visit. The things they like to do at home will probably be the things they’ll like to do here! I love it because whenever I stay, my humans know just what to choose and it reminds me of how well they know me. I can’t wait for when my parents go on vacation this summer, because I know how much fun it will be on MY vacation here!

Yours truly,

Executive Canine Quality Control Officer
Cascade Kennels, INC.


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