Finley’s New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Here are my resolutions for 2018. Yes, we dogs DO make New Year resolutions just like our humans.  Here’s what I plan to do in 2018!

  1. Stick to my resolutions

Yes, just like humans, we do have a little trouble sticking to our resolutions…. But I will add that our humans can help us in this area.

  1. Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, we dogs are truly dependent on our humans to help us with this. If you think your dog needs to lose weight in 2018, you can really help by giving him a little less food at meal time and cutting back on the treats.

  1. Get more exercise

Getting more exercise will help me keep my number 2 resolution of losing weight, and yes, this does require my human to make sure I get walked every day. This, of course, will also be good for my human too, who will most likely have the same resolution.

  1. Make new friends

A dog like me can never have too many friends! I love all my friends in daycare. The best days are when a new dog joins the pack. I love making them feel welcome and showing them the ropes. Again, this is where the humans reading this can help; all you have to do is enroll your dog in daycare and then I get to keep my resolution.

  1. Chase more balls

This of course supports resolution #3 and requires that my human purchase more for me to chase.

  1. Take More Naps

Well, who doesn’t love a good nap?  Plus, I’m thinking I’ll need more since I’ll be getting SO much more exercise.

  1. Volunteer

Well, I’M not gonna volunteer, but my human will. There’s so many great places to volunteer around here that can really use the help. Like the places we support with our Haunted Puppy Town:

  • Homeward Pet Adoption Center
  • Old Dog Haven
  • Seattle Humane Society
  • Zazu’s Pet Sanctuary
  • Canine Companions for Independence

Each of these places always welcomes the help of caring volunteers….so if your human is looking for a volunteer opportunity in 2018, here you go!

  1. Hike More

This is one of my most favorite things to do. In fact, I shared some great tips about hiking right here. There’s so many great places to hike around here and resolving to hike more helps me keep resolutions 2 and 3…..

Well, those are my resolutions for 2018….I hope my human will help me keep them.

Have a very happy 2018!



Executive Canine Quality Control Officer

Cascade Kennels, Inc.


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