Cascade Kennels Newsletter | December 2014


Merry Christmas from Cascade Kennels!


Dog Tennis BallsWinter Entertainment for You and Your Dog

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

Need some ideas for keeping your dog from going stir crazy indoors this winter? We’ve got some tips for you!

If you’re looking for activities for you and your dog to do together, check out the link below for a long list of establishments in the greater Seattle area that are dog-friendly. You’d be amazed how many restaurants, malls, shops and bars (even the karaoke variety!) that not only allow, but welcome your pooch! Pet Friendly Activity List
If you’re feeling like staying in, try setting up this fun and easy game to keep your dog busy! Take a 6-muffin tin and put a treat in each cup. Place tennis balls in about half the cups. Once a dog has found the uncovered treats, he usually figures out that knocking away the tennis balls reveals more goodies. As your dog gains experience, you can start hiding treats under only some of the tennis balls and using a 12-muffin or 24-muffin tin. Some dogs think it’s fun to just flip the whole thing over. Exercise your dog’s problem solving skills!




Helping people and their pets this holiday season!

This holiday season, join Homeward Pet for the 5th Annual Holiday Pet Food Drive to help homeless animals and families in need in our community. Through December 31st, drop off your generous dog or cat food donation at any of the participating locations listed in the link below, or bring your donation to Homeward Pet Adoption Center in Woodinville any day between 9am – 6pm.

Drop off Locations







Dog Boarding AdviceWhen to Book Early for Your Pets Stay

This holiday season we began to fill up for Christmas in mid-October. This means that we’ve unfortunately had to turn away many late-comers. We know what a tough spot some of our customers have been in when they try to book too late, so here’s a reminder of which times of year we tend to book up, and how far you should plan on booking in advance.


For the following, book 2-3 months in advance:

–          Christmas

–          Thanksgiving

–          4th of July


Book at least 1 month in advance:

–          Spring Break (mid-March – Mid April)

–          Memorial Day Weekend

–          Labor Day Weekend

–          Mid-Winter Break/President’s Day Weekend (Feb. 14 – 22)


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