Ten Great Careers to Pursue if you Love Animals

Are you a person who absolutely LOVES animals?  If so, have you ever thought about turning your passion and love for animals into a full-time and fulfilling career?  There are a number of careers out there for animal lovers, some require a rather extensive education while others don’t.  Here is a list of ten great careers to pursue if you love animals.

  1. Veterinarian: No surprises here….in fact this was most likely the first career that came to mind for most people. Veterinarian medicine is a great career that offers a good income as well as the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to the health and well-being of the animals in your community. Believe it or not, getting into Veterinarian school can be more difficult than getting into medical school. If this is an area of interest a great place to start is by researching the Vet schools across the country. Washington State is home to one of the top Vet schools in the country; the Washington State University School of Veterinarian Medicine.
  2. Vet Tech: A Veterinary Technician is another great career for animal lovers. This job does not require quite as much education as that of a DVM.  A two-year associates degree is all that is needed for this career. A Vet Tech works very closely under the supervision of a DVM and helps to diagnose and treat animals.
  3. Fish & Game Warden: Most are likely familiar with this job title, but you may not have considered that it’s a great career for the animal lover as well as one who loves the outdoors. The fish and game warden ensures that all poaching laws are being enforced by observing hunters and fishermen. This job combines a love for animals with a love for the great outdoors and law enforcement.
  4. Wildlife Biologist: The career of a Wildlife Biologist combines a love for animals and science. A Wildlife Biologist studies the environments of animals, their populations and their habits. Two well-known Wildlife Biologists would be Jeff Corwin and the late Steve Irwin.
  5. Marine Biologist: Much like a Wildlife Biologist, a Marine Biologist studies the life, populations and habits of Marine Life. A love for the ocean and learning the skill of scuba diving are essentials if you intend to pursue a career as a Marine Biologist. This career requires both a Bachelors and Masters Degree.
  6. Zoologist: A Zoologist is one who may study just one species of animal while another may study a variety of species, such as birds, reptiles and mammals. Some Zoologists work  with a variety of animals and will often work at Zoos directing the care of the animals. A Bachelors degree is needed, but in order to teach or do research, a Masters Degree is required.
  7. Wildlife Photograher: This is a great career that provides a creative outlet as well. Many Wildlife photographers can secure employment with large publications such as National Geographic. This career offers travel to exotic places, time in the outdoors observing animals and allows one to fulfill their passion for animals and photography.
  8. Groomer: A pet groomer is a great way to spend time with animals if you love them. While the pay is not great if you work for a large corporation, it can be great if you start your own pet grooming business.
  9. Dog Walker/Pet Sitter: This is another business that allows you to spend time with animals as well as serve people in your community.  Walking dogs or pet sitting can be a great way for kids to earn money and learn responsibility. People value being able to leave their pets with someone they trust for daily walks or longer boarding stays and providing this service for those in your area is a great way to love animals and make a little extra cash.
  10. Cascade Kennels: That’s right! Working at a reputable kennel like Cascade Kennels is a great career for those who love animals. Here, we do it all, grooming, boarding, daycare and general care of the animals who come to our kennel.  Working at a kennel is also a great way for a young person to determine a career path for themselves. It provides them an opportunity to see many facets of animal care and decide the best course for their future. Because we also care for exotics, we offer an even broader opportunity for an animal lover to find their perfect fit.

If you are an animal lover, there are plenty of careers out there that will allow you to have a fulfilling career doing what you love. Can you think of any other animal-loving careers?  Let us know in the comments below.


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