Thanksgiving Activites For Pets

Thanksgiving Activities For Your Pets

Are you looking for fun ways to celebrate Thanksgiving with your pet?  Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for families to gather together to bond over a turkey feast while enjoying each other’s company.

Although Thanksgiving Day activities can be hectic, remember to include your furry friend too. Here are our top picks of activities to do with your pets this Thanksgiving:

Backyard football

Playing a game of touch football is a Thanksgiving tradition for many families. Although your pet won’t be able to catch the ball, they will have fun chasing around the family while they play the game.

Thanksgiving feast

Most food that you eat on Thanksgiving is not safe for your pets, but that doesn’t mean they can’t feast on food too. So please make a special plate of foods that is safe for your pet and let them enjoy.

After dinner hike

Head outdoors with your pets on a hike to work off Thanksgiving dinner. Enjoy the fresh air and burn off that Thanksgiving feast.

Fall leaves

Animals love jumping in the leaves. Rake up the leaves in your yard into a big pile and let your pet have fun jumping in them.

Invent games

Many people spend Thanksgiving Day watching parades and football. Come up with fun games to play with your pets that go along with whatever you’re watching. For example, if you are watching football and one of the teams scores a touchdown, throw your pet a treat and see if they can catch it.

Of course, sometimes spending time with your dog or cat isn’t possible during the holidays for many reasons. If you find yourself in need of care, please reach out and schedule your reservation. Be sure to plan early, as we often fill up quickly for all holidays.


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