Make New Year’s Resolutions For You and Your Pet - Cascade Kennels

New Year’s Resolutions Good for You and Your Pet

It has long been a tradition for people to create a list of New Year’s resolutions for themselves every year. They usually involve improving themselves or paying it forward to others. However, instead of focusing on resolutions just for yourself this year, we thought it would be fun to include

Tips to Find Your Lost Pet

Help! My Pet Is Lost: Tips to Find Your Pet

A missing pet is every pet parent’s worst nightmare. Your pet has gotten loose, and you have no idea where they are. Try not to panic – there are steps you can take to locate your missing pet. Acting quickly and neighborhood networking will increase the chances of finding your

Thanksgiving Activites For Pets

Thanksgiving Activities For Your Pets

Are you looking for fun ways to celebrate Thanksgiving with your pet?  Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for families to gather together to bond over a turkey feast while enjoying each other’s company. Although Thanksgiving Day activities can be hectic, remember to include your furry friend too. Here are our

Fun Halloween Costume Ideas For You and Your Dog

Fun Halloween Costume Ideas For You and Your Dog

One of the most fun things about having a dog is dressing them up, and Halloween is the best time of year for that. So, whether you’re looking for something trendy, sweet, or laugh-out-loud funny, here are a few fun Halloween costume ideas for you and your dog. Surfer and

Fall Activities For Dogs - Cascade Kennels

Fall Activities For Dogs

Now that it’s Fall, we thought we would share some fun ideas of things to do with your dog this season. Here are our top seven fall activities for dogs that we think you, and your furry friend, will enjoy. Have a photo session A fun way to celebrate this

Pet Safety Tips for 4th of July

Pet Safety Tips for 4th of July

Fourth of July traditions, such as picnics and fireworks, can be a lot of fun for people but frightening and dangerous for pets. Fireworks are loud and can startle your pets and cause them to run away. Foods can be unhealthy, and the heat of summer can be dangerous. Debris

Swimming Fun and Safety For Dogs

Swimming Fun and Safety for Dogs

There are very few things that bring out genuine excitement in dogs who love the water than going on a trip to the beach or a lake where they can play. Here are a few activities you can try with your dog next time you are in the water for


Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs?

Are cats smarter than dogs? Depending on who you ask this question, you’ll probably get a different answer based on what pet the person might have in their home. Is there evidence to put this argument to bed, or will the answer always relate back to a person’s individual life


6 Tips for Caring For a Senior Dog

As your dog ages, there are a few changing needs to consider. To understand more, here are 6 tips to help you care for your senior dog. Keep Their Weight In Check  Keeping your dog at a healthy weight is even more important as they age. It can be a